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घबराऐं नहीं, सम्पर्क करें ऊष्मा आयुर्वेदिक क्लिनिक
  • 70, 2nd Floor, Vikas marg
    Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station,
    Opp Piller No 49, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092

Best Fistula Treatment

  • What We Do:
  • What Do You Get
  • 100% Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Experienced & Qualified Ayurvedic Doctors
  • 100% Patient’s Privacy
  • Best Result guaranteed
  • Help to Increase Sex duration
  • Help to control your night discharge or nocturnal emission
  • Help to Increase your Sperm Count
  • Advanced Infertility Treatments
  • Help to Increase your sex performance
  • 100% Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Experienced & Qualified Ayurvedic Doctors
  • 100% Patient’s Privacy
  • Best Result guaranteed
  • Help to Increase Sex duration
  • Help to control your night discharge or nocturnal emission
  • Help to Increase your Sperm Count
  • Advanced Infertility Treatments
  • Help to Increase your sex performance

What isfistula?

An Anal Fistula is an infected tunnel between the skin and the Anus muscular opening at the end of digestive TRACT.  Most anal fistulas are the result of an infection in an anal gland that spreads to the skin.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms -   Include pain, swelling and discharge of Blood or Pus from the Anus.  Painful Bowl movements or urination, fever.

Causes: -  An anal Fistula is most – commonly  caused by an anal abscess. It can also come from conditions like Tuberculosis, Sexually transmitted diseases. 

Danger:  If the Abscess not treated. It will grow.   Eventually, it will make its, way to the outside and punch a hole in the skin somewhere near anus.  so, the gunk inside it can drain.  The Fistula is the tunnel that connects the gland to that opening.

Fistula Treatments

Treatment:  All allopath medical practitioner suggest surgery which in itself gives no choice to the patients to go for alternative treatments however, Ayurveda has very effective herbal medicinal Treatment for this.

The therapy for treating Fistula originated by the ancient Ayurveda healers using Herbal medicine and techniques have been found very successful.

The KSHARSUTRA THEARPY IS THE MOST - Reliable and effective treatment presently available and practiced.

AYURVEDIC MEDICATED THREAD FOR CONTROLLING AND HEALING has been on top priorities which is prepared by applying the coatings of HERBS like APAMARG KSHARA, HARIDRA CHURN and few other hubs are mixed with SNUHI KSHEER.   Ultra Violet Radiation is adopted for sterilization of the thread.   

Regular checkups are undertaken towards assessing the healing. 


An integrated program is charted   out exclusively for individual patient for his or her digestive system.

Food habit are also studied and made under stood to the patient so that constipation is negated totally.

Usma has achieved an appreciable record of successful treatment for fistula.

At Usma Ayurveda Clinic Fistula Treatment is at its best.

+91- 8750800100